Thursday, October 9, 2008

FPC Weekly E-Newsletter


On Oct. 12 at 11 a.m., Interim Pastor Rev. Cari Jackson will preach a sermon titled "Justice is Not an Option".


The nursery will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., with Patty and Cristina.  Sunday School and Children's Church takes place in the gym after the Passing of the Peace in the Worship Service.


The 10 o'Clock Hour is canceled for this Sunday, and will resume on Sunday, Oct. 19 with a discussion of  "What Do Presbyterians Believe?"  (A full list of topics can be found on the church bulletin board and the website calendar.)


Circle of Wisdom will meet at 1 p.m. to explore questions including how to connect with your spiritual self in school, work, and relationships. The group, led by Harriette Mandeville, was organized to serve emerging adults, ages 18-25, but people of all ages are welcome.


The Communicating with Children workshop also will not meet on this Sunday (Columbus Day weekend.)


Other news:


Children's Church invites new volunteers to participate in its worship and classes, especially for any of the months of December through June.  We welcome five volunteers each month to shepherd our youngest members in God's love for us and the world.  Please contact Rev. Beth ( or see our yellow brochure in the narthex.


Children's Ministry needs volunteers to help organize the October outreach event.  We will be painting pumpkins on Oct. 19 and delivering them on our visit to Cobble Hill Health Center.  Please contact Rev. Beth to volunteer.


Men's Breakfast. Every Wednesday at 7.30 a.m. at the Park Plaza Diner on Cadman Plaza. In October, the group will focus on the book, Epic: The Story God is Telling, by John Eldredge.  For more information contact Jim Cummings, (917) 416-3018 or


Midweek Boost and Presidential Debate: On Oct. 15, Rev. Cari will lead a discussion of the spiritual issues present in the current economic crisis and the presidential race as part of our weekly Midweek Boost at 7 p.m. Then join us for the Presidential Debate Potluck Party, at 8 p.m. (The debate begins at 9 p.m.) Everybody is welcome; bring a friend! Come to the church manse at 128 Henry St. at 7, 8, or 9 p.m.


Cuba White Rose Ministry will meet on Thursday, Oct. 23 at 6 p.m. in the Thurman Room, for a potluck dinner (please bring food or drink) and to listen to Emily and Keiko discuss their recent trip to Cuba. (If you can't join us right at 6 p.m., don't hesitate to come when you can.)


On the calendar:


For more details, click on this link to go to church calendar. (Click again on the event on the calendar to read a description.)


Tuesday, Oct. 14:

New Parent's Group, 3:30 p.m., Elliott Room.

Life and Loss Group, 7 p.m., Thurman Room.


Wednesday, Oct. 15:

Men's Breakfast at 7.30 a.m., at the Park Plaza Diner on Cadman Plaza

Midweek Boost at 7 p.m., Manse Parlor

Presidential Debate Potluck Party, 8 p.m., Manse Parlor


Sunday, Oct. 19:

Pumpkin  Painting


Saturday, Oct. 25:

One-Day Women's Retreat, 9 6 p.m., Elliott Room. Contact the church at for more information.


Who/where to connect:

To give online: Contribute to the church through a secure online account. To find it on the church website,, go to the Site Credits/ Link tab and select First Church Donation Account Setup. Or go to


To become an FPC member:

Contact Peggy Swisher Slowik at, or see Reeves Carter for information about classes for new members.


To share news:

Send church news and announcements to Church Administrator Annie Solages in the church office at (718) 624-3770 or by email at


Who we are:

First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn is home to a growing congregation energetically committed to serving Christ in the church family, the community and the world. We are intentionally a racially and culturally mixed congregation an enlightened journey of faith.

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